# kvas2-go Better implementation of [KVAS](https://github.com/qzeleza/kvas) Realized features: - [x] DNS Proxy (UDP) - [ ] DNS Proxy (TCP) - [x] Records memory - [x] IPTables rules for rebind DNS server port - [X] IPSet integration - [X] IP integration - [X] IPTables rules to IPSet - [X] Catch interface up/down - [X] Catch `netfilter.d` event - [X] Rule composer (CRUD) - [ ] GORM integration - [X] Listing of interfaces - [ ] HTTP API - [ ] HTTP GUI - [ ] CLI - [X] (Keenetic) Support for custom interfaces - [ ] It is not a concept now... REFACTORING TIME!!! - [ ] (Keenetic) Getting readable names of interfaces from Keenetic NDMS - [ ] HTTP Auth - [ ] IPv6 support